From your energy supply, weekly food shop to your next big electrical purchase, there are a few smart, simple ways to help you get the most from your money.

Advice Sites

A wide range of general advice to save you money are available at the following links:

Supermarket Shopping

Once you’ve paid your mortgage or rent and essential bills, supermarket shopping is probably your biggest spend each month and there are plenty of ways you can take action to cut your costs.

Advice to help you to save money at the supermarket is available at the following links:

Vouchers, Deals and Cashback

You can save money on retail, travel, food, groceries and much more by using coupons, promo codes, and cash back offers all readily accessible on the internet at the following links:


More information on how to save money on your gas, electric, water and telephone bills is available at the MyAdviceGateway section Saving Money on Utility Bills.

Shopping on the Internet

You can save much time and effort by shopping on the internet as well as getting the widest choice of goods and services.

More information on how to shop safetly on-line  is available at the MyAdviceGateway section On-line Shopping.

Price Comparison Sites

As online sales continue to grow there are an increasing number of price comparison websites available designed to help you to compare suppliers, products and prices quickly.

More information on how to use price comparison websites is available at MyAdviceGateway section Price Comparison Sites.

Recycle is a free online platform where members can give and receive pre-owned items free of charge. It works by connecting people regionally via town groups. To find your nearest, group go to Freecycle Find A Town and and enter your town .

Similarly, is a UK organisation that aims to increase reuse and reduce landfill by offering a free Internet-based service where people can give away and ask for things that would otherwise be thrown away.


Inflation is the rate of increase in prices for goods and services.

For an explanation of how inflation works and how it affects prices in the super-market, at the petrol pumps and elsewhere follow this link.

The most frequently quoted measures of inflation are the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), the Retail Prices Index (RPI) and the recently introduced Retail Prices Index 'J' (RPIJ).

An explanation of these measures and how they are calculated is available at this link.

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